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D-Day : ending or milestone?

by Elie Sloïm, on the 22 March 2016

So you’ve been working for months on the new version of your Website? I guess you’re pretty sure that the day this new version will go online will be a very important date for the users, for your customers, or for the Web, maybe. But it won’t. The day your new version goes online is not an ending but the beginning of a story with your users.

DRY approaches: don’t repeat yourself

by Nicolas Hoffmann, on the 29 October 2015

DRYdon’t repeat yourself – is one of the basic principles of programming. The two main concepts allowing you to avoid repetitions in programming are variables and functions.

Question is: how can we think DRY with a language which does not have variables or functions?

Think outside of the box

by Nicolas Hoffmann, on the 15 October 2015

Think outside of the box”: here is an enigmatic title!

However, it is one of our greatest challenges as CSS developers: abstracting us from our environment and even from our own senses that can… set up some vicious traps.

Performance seen from CSS

by Nicolas Hoffmann, on the 8 October 2015

You cannot escape it : performance has become a vital and probably one of the most critical requirements of modern websites.

CSS production has to take this into account.

Establishing CSS conventions and documenting them

par Nicolas Hoffmann, le 24 septembre 2015

If semantics is defined as “a set of rules and conventions in order to allow a group of people to understand each other”…

Why not apply this concept to CSS conception ?

Orthogonality with CSS

par Nicolas Hoffmann, le 17 septembre 2015

In the previous article, we recalled the concept of separation structure / presentation.

However this principle is in fact a sub-principle of a larger whole that is called the orthogonality.

Basic CSS principles

par Nicolas Hoffmann, le 11 septembre 2015

Before talking about recent issues of CSS, it is good to remember some
basics and some principles.
Even if the usage of CSS has evolved, these principles are still correct and are sometimes slightly forgotten.

Great modern CSS conception principles

par Nicolas Hoffmann, le 3 septembre 2015

We have often discussed, supported and defended it : front-end development, including CSS is a centerpiece for websites and even for the Web, and this phenomenon is increasing more and more, especially with responsive websites.

Nicolas Hoffmann offers for this purpose a series of no less than ten articles on modern approaches and constraints affecting CSS .

Création de plug-ins accessibles, une démarche

par Nicolas Hoffmann, le 2 juillet 2015

Dans la suite directe de « Du consommateur au producteur », la question de l’approche « producteur » peut parfois inquiéter les débutants : comment s’y prendre ? Quels sont les écueils à éviter ?

Nicolas Hoffmann vous propose à cet effet une méthode et une approche éprouvées de création de plug-ins accessibles, et un retour d’expérience sur ces projets.

Myth-Busting Progressive Enhancement

par Nicolas Hoffmann, le 20 mai 2015

Méthodes de conception

La conception de services en ligne recèle de très nombreuses méthodes et approches : ergonomie, expérience utilisateur, modes de développements. Cette section vous propose des articles centrés sur ces méthodologies.