Agile accessibility - comments Agile accessibility 2018-09-06T15:54:55Z 2018-09-06T15:54:55Z <p>The scenario I've just described is still very frequent. It's even so frequent that we need to draw some teachings out of it.<br class="autobr"> This multiple-audit solution can discourage even the more eager developers and managers. Most often, after two or tree audits, accessibility is deemed a costly subject and which requires a very high-level expert, for a return on investment that is difficult to prove.<br class="autobr"> Along the same lines, audit cycles that are supposed to lead to a well-deserved conformity label often lead to failure. And when failure occurs, teams reject accessibility as a whole, as a counter-productive and excessively formal subject.<br class="autobr"> Thank You Post !!!!</p>