fr SPIP - 67 144 Openweb, passé, présent et avenir ? <p>Dans "<a href="" class="spip_out" rel='nofollow external'>iOS vs the web</a>)", je signalais ce mémo interne de Google annonçant Dart (Dash à l'époque) :</p> <blockquote class="spip"> <p>Yesterday, AOL and MSNetwork ; today, iOS... What's bred in the bone will come out in the flesh. I envisioned this some weeks ago. It is good to know Google did also.<br class="autobr"> [...]<br class="autobr"> The cyclone of innovation is increasingly moving off the web onto iOS and other closed platforms<br class="autobr"> [...]<br class="autobr"> The emergence of compelling alternative platforms like iOS has meant that the web platform must compete on its merits, not just its reach.<br class="autobr"> [...]<br class="autobr"> The evolve Javascript strategy, if executed in isolation, leaves the web in a hobbled state and unable to compete against the encroachment of other, less open platforms.</p> <blockquote class="spip"></blockquote></blockquote> 2012-07-12T20:22:12Z text/html David Latapie